Employee engagement matters. Citrix Workspace provides out-of-the box connectors for today’s popular SaaS applications. RunMyProcess DigitalSuite extends its value to your complete organization by integrating otherwise unsupported solutions.

Our modern work environment is plagued by too many apps, too much complexity and too many interruptions. Citrix Workspace provides the solution, through intuitive app-handling with micro-apps, notification streams and more. RunMyProcess extends the use of Workspace to non-supported apps and bespoke workflows, completing its benefits for your enterprise.

Citrix Workspace + RunMyProcess DigitalSuite:
More Usage, Less Searching, More Focus

Citrix Workspace provides seamless access to enterprise applications through easy-to-consume task based feeds. As a result, employees can focus on their work instead of spending time to navigate complex IT environments. By integrating any type of app – both legacy and future digital transformation – RunMyProcess DigitalSuite ensures that this benefit will apply to the full scope of IT solutions in your enterprise.

Complete and extend your Citrix Workspace with solutions based on RunMyProcess DigitalSuite

Today, DigitalSuite ensures Citrix Workspace use is not limited by app availability. On the road to the future, DigitalSuite is the platform for making your digital transformation and workflow automation architecture happen in Citrix Workspace.

Digital Connectivity is Spreading

Citrix Workspace supports common apps such as ServiceNow, Salesforce, SAP, Workday, Office365, or G-Suite. But enterprise level companies run their business on hundreds of (often custom) applications, not all of them supported in Workspace. RunMyProcess DigitalSuite integrates these unsupported applications into Workspace and its pre-integrated apps. Now you can have your complete company’s eco-system connected to Citrix Workspace – based on a cost-effective low-code platform.


In parallel new Blockchain-powered trust infrastructures are emerging to support transparent, cross-organizational value networks – stripping out complexity and enabling accelerated, distributed innovation across the whole global economy. And behind everything we have the continued rise of AI – advanced technology that will help us to automate billions of low value business decisions and find the important patterns lying beneath the surface of the connected business environment.

With low code technology by RunMyProcess and our experience in integration and creation of workflows, you will get the broadest, fastest and most cost-effective utilization of Citrix Workspace in your enterprise.

“Today’s employees want a simple, intelligent and reliable experience that enables them to work when, where and how they want – and be their most productive. And in combining Citrix Workspace with RunMyProcess, companies can quickly and easiliy deliver it across all types of SaaS, on-prem, and even legacy environments.”

David LeStrat
Vice President, Workspace
Experience and Services at Citrix